
This Season In College Hoops Is Pure Anarchy - Purdue Is Ranked No. 1 For The 2nd Time Ever, Promptly Loses To Rutgers (Again)

I know, I know. People don't care about college basketball until March. I know it's football season. But this is around the time more and more casual college hoops fans start to watch because your NFL team is eliminated from the playoffs, no more MACtion, whatever reason you might have. 


I personally miss talking about college hoops this season. I should be better about it and that's my pointless New Year's resolution since everyone seems like they have to make one. This season has been awesome because it's pure anarchy. Last night was another prime example. Purdue was ranked No. 1 for just the 2nd time ever - the first being last year. What happened then? Oh a loss to unranked Rutgers at the buzzer: 

This year was at least a little different since Purdue was ranked No. 1 for three weeks, not the very first week and then lost. But here's the thing. There are no great teams in college hoops. Really good teams? Sure. UConn, Houston, UCLA, Purdue, Kansas and Arizona are all teams I'd put in that category. They all have a loss. UConn lost at Xavier. Houston lost at home to Alabama. UCLA lost to Illinois and Baylor. Kansas lost to Tennessee. Arizona lost to Utah. The point is we're not sitting here on some elite team watch like we have been in years past. 

That's what makes a season like this awesome. It's complete anarchy every week. Shit, you have New Mexico and Charleston currently in the top-25. In fact New Mexico is the only team in the country that hasn't lost yet. Why do I say all of this? Because this is the time we start getting people watching and debating. It's fun and annoying all wrapped in one. It should lead to a wild tournament - or at least what people prefer. Crazy upsets early and then teams starting to figure it out later on. 

I love this beautifully stupid sport man. Shout out Rutgers.