
We Did It - The Music City Bowl Between Kentucky/Iowa Officially Has The Lowest Total In College Football History

Oh fuck yeah. This is what I'm talking about. Look at this beauty: 

Just some big boy football between Iowa/Kentucky. This is what you want to see on December 31. Who gives a shit if there's a couple starting quarterbacks, running backs and a handful of other starters out? This is about pride. This is about scoring 32 combined points. This is making history. You think anyone can just have a total of 31 points? Nope. That's reserved for the historical Music City Bowl. 

I personally can't think of a better game or better way to prep for the College Football Playoffs today. This sets up TCU/Michigan better than anything else in the football world. We could watch the spread offense. Or we could watch Iowa's electric offense vs Kentucky starting a freshman. 

I hope this game either has 0 passes or a pass every play. Nothing in the middle. I need it one weird way or the other. 

PS: Kentucky ML/Over 31 is +300.