
Luka Doncic Put Up One Of The Most Legendary Performances The NBA Has Ever Seen In A Wild OT Win Over The Knicks

Glenn James. Getty Images.

One of the best parts about watching the NBA every night is the possibility that you'll see something that's never been done before. Teams are so good and the talent level is so high, that on any given night you could see something historic. Think of how many games that have been played in the history of the NBA. Think of the legends that stepped onto the court and all the crazy shit they did on a nightly basis as they had all time careers.

None of them, not a single one, ever did what we watched Luka Doncic do tonight. 

The 60/20/10 is crazy enough on its own, but it doesn't even begin to describe how insane this night was for Luka. With the Mavs down 9 with 33 seconds to go, logic tells you that game is probably over. It's hard to blow a 9 point lead in 33 seconds no matter who you are. 


Somehow, the Knicks found a way. Down 3 with under 10 seconds left, the entire world knew the Knicks were going to foul. You don't let Luka even get off a potential game winner. The Mavs were out of timeouts and couldn't advance the ball, just foul and make your FTs and you're golden.

Luka stepped to the line and casually knocked down the first FT. Let's not look over that small detail either. There's a lot of pressure on that FT given the situation. Now down 2 with 4 seconds left you knew what came next. In came JaVale McGee, it was time to pray for an intentionally missed FT putback. That's all you can do in that spot.



Luka Magic folks. If you've seen it once you've seen it a thousand times. It's not fair. He's blessed, there's no other explanation of how this shit can keep happening for Luka. Guy gets more prayers like this than any player I can remember it's ridiculous. Of course he would miss it perfectly, of course it would somehow not be corralled by any Knick, and instead fall right into his shooting pocket as he's falling down. Of course his shot was perfect and went in. That's textbook Luka Magic.

All I know is you can't have a moment like that, throw up 60/21/10 and not win that game. Once things went into OT the Knicks were cooked. A brutal loss for them given the fact that they were 33 seconds away, but Luka does that shit to teams all the time. When he's in this God Mode, there's nothing you can really do. Watching it unfold is beyond fascinating. There's never a possession or a dribble that you don't want to be Luka, it's crazy. Everyone knows it's coming and nobody can stop it, all while this guy moves at kind of a slow pace but at the same time gets wherever he wants with ease. 

Just how rare was a night like tonight? Aside from nobody ever doing this shit before, we've only ever seen one other 60 point triple double in NBA history 

There's a strong chance we don't see another performance like this for a very, very long time. Unless of course you think Luka has another one of these up his sleeve. This is some Wilt Chamberlain shit and as a rule when we see a player do some Wilt shit, it's a pretty big deal

That's the beauty of Luka Magic. It's historic. It's never seen before dominance all from a guy that's 23 years old. Luka hasn't even begun to enter his prime yet! That is such a terrifying thought when you take a second and understand what that means. If this is Luka's pre-prime, what the hell are things going to look like in 2-3 years??

Something tells me it'll be pretty good.
