
Dabo Swinney Says Clemson Has Used NIL Forever Because He Built The Program With 'God's Name, Image And Likeness'

Dabo Swinney is at it again, folks.

I genuinely hate this guy. He's far and away the fakest dude in a profession full of snake oil salesmen and somehow continually finds ways to top himself for the most ridiculous things ever uttered by a college football coach. I was absolutely certain this quote was fake when I saw it written out without the video.

It's pretty rich to see Dabo talking about NIL in any capacity, too. Remember when he said he'd quit his job if players ever got paid?

Turns out Swinney and Jesus were using NIL before anybody. I guess he's all for NIL as long as it only entails being a fake preacher in front of the media and none of his labor force is allowed to make any money.

Dabo is beyond parody at this point. I actually think he might be doing a bit. Watch him look down at his paper before he delivered that line. He very well may just be intentionally playing the character now.

Whether it's intentional or not, though, this guy is the WOAT. I can't wait for the inevitable day Clemson crumbles to the ground and Dabo fades into oblivion forever. Until that day, however, we'll just have to enjoy the insanity of clips like this.