
This Match Is Complete Mayhem And The Single Greatest World Cup Final We've Seen

What the fuck is going on out here? I'm almost scared to write this blog because there's still enough time for something else to happen. Every time we look over there's a penalty, Messi making a play or Mbappe finishing. There's been crazy moments in World Cup history, no doubt. But this is the greatest match I can recall at the World Cup. The two best players in the world just going after each other. Some big time plays by role players to help save goals. Some dumbass plays by role players to give penalty kicks. At this point it almost feels like we should just let Messi vs Mbappe go 1-on-1 to decide it. Let everyone else get out of the way and let the two best go at it. 

I don't know what this dude on Argentina was doing. Keep your arms down. That's the only thing you can't do in that situation. You have to tuck the arms in and get take away anything that can be close to a handball. It's been complete mayhem though since the 80th minute especially when Mbappe scored his first PK. 

Unreal all the way throughout.