
Lighten the Fuck Up! Joe and His Wife Were Having Problems in the Bedroom...

Garin Chadwick. Unsplash Images.

Joe and his wife Heather were having problems in the bedroom that they couldn't work out themselves, so Joe went to see a sex therapist to see if he could help… 

The therapist asked Joe a lot of questions, but he wasn't getting a clear picture of what Joe and Heather's problem was. Finally, he asked, "Do you ever look at your wife's face while you're having sex, Joe?" 

"Well, yes, I did once," Joe replied.

Surprised by Joe's answer, the therapist asked, "And what was her expression like, that one time you looked at her face during sex?" 

"Oh boy, she looked very angry. In fact, I've never seen her look angrier…" Joe replied nervously.

After hearing that, the therapist was even more confused…

"Well, that's very concerning, Joe. Most people experiencing pleasure during sex don't look angry… You said you've only looked at your wife's face once during sex, and your file says you and Heather have been married for nine years. That seems a little odd, Joe. Tell me, what were the exact circumstances that caused you to look at your wife's face during sex that one time?"

"I'm not sure why, but I looked up briefly, and that's when I saw Heather watching me and her baby sister knockin' boots through the bedroom window…"                                                                                                                                                                                          

Vindog has been repurposing jokes since 1968! This is LTFU Joke #140! 

Just in case you missed the last one…