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A couple had their wedding at Glacier National Park interrupted when a bear caught and began devouring a moose in the middle of the ceremony. Just as the groom finished his vows at the lakeside service, guests heard a strangled cry from the opposite bank.

Photographer Stanton Giles(opens in new tab), who was filming the ceremony, identified the source as a moose thrashing in the claws of a grizzly bear. In his video, which you can watch below, someone dryly comments that this is why they hadn't held the service on the north bank.

As Newsweek(opens in new tab) reports, the bear continued its noisy meal while wedding guests watch, and Giles reassures the groom that the camera had captured his vows in full despite the animal crashing through the woods.

Glacier National Park his home to both black bears and larger grizzlies. Despite their sharp teeth and long claws, grizzlies only occasionally prey on large animals like moose, with most of their diet consisting of grass, roots, berries, nuts, insects, and larvae.

If you want a wedding in nature, then you have to deal with the reality of nature. NATURE IS METAL, and with every cute songbird and Snow White idealistic scene, there is a 600lb superpredator tearing apart a prey item while they are still alive. Honestly, a blood sacrifice at the wedding is a great omen of how it will go. I mean without the dangers of nature the institution of nature wouldn't exist. Bears are definitely the cause of generational PTSD that now haunts our nightmares. The scariest thing in nature is a bear moving at full speed. 

People forget Grizzlies can run faster than race horses and in my opinion probably the greatest competitor in to humans in the Apex predator.