Jackie Chan Says 'Rush Hour 4' Is In the Works
Jackie Chan made a rare on-stage appearance at the Red Sea Film Festival Thursday, where he told fans that he is currently in talks to make a fourth Rush Hour movie.
“We’re talking about part 4 right now,” he told the festival crowd, adding that he was going to meet with the film’s director this evening to discuss the script. He did not identify said director, but American filmmaker Brett Ratner directed all three previous versions.
I think we can safely assume that Brett Ratner will not be directing this movie after getting me too'd into the earth's crust back in 2017.
So what are the prospects for this movie? A 68 year old Jackie Chan and a 51 year old Tucker aren't going to be as kinetic as they were in 1998 when the first movie came out or even in 2007 when the last one came out. That isn't a massive deal for Tucker, but a lot of the rush hour appeal was watching Jackie Chan pull off some of the most acrobatic shit you've ever seen. Action comedy just won't be quite the same without that level of action.
I presume this movie would be 50% "I'm too old for this shit" conversations with the action:comedy ratio swung decisively in comedy's favor. I'm torn because I don't want to see a sad movie with tired old dudes but at the same time, Lee and Carter are probably my favorite buddy cop duo ever. If there is any cinema juju I can bestow on a movie, let me put it all onto Rush Hour 4.