
The Beautiful Game: The Current Total For The Music City Bowl Between Iowa/Kentucky Is 31, The Lowest In College Football History

This news isn't shocking. Will Levis has been hurt basically all season, he's projected to be a first round pick and Kentucky is playing Iowa for a 2nd year in a row. He has nothing else to prove, except to prove that Brandon is a dummy. I'm clearly hoping Will Levis is fucking awesome and the fact that this year was marred by Scangarello, a below average OL and injuries. There's a reason he's projected to go first round from people smarter than most. I'm not here to argue that though. That's been argued numerous times and you're not changing anyone's mind. 

I'm here to alert you what's about to be the worst, most beautiful bowl game of all time: 

In fact it's currently the lowest in football history. By the time this graphic was made it dropped to 31: 

Old school football baby. I hope Kentucky just goes wing T and hands it to Chris Rodriguez 100 times. We already saw what happens when their backup QB plays. It's horrendous. Just look at the South Carolina tape. We also know what Iowa does at full strength. It's somehow worse. The best part is this is a lead-in to the college football playoffs. Basically the same level of play if you ask me. 

This screams college football bowl games. Sometimes you get shootouts. Sometimes you get stars making plays. Sometimes you get backup quarterbacks unable to throw the ball. It's going to be a beautiful disaster. Now I just hope Will Levis doesn't end up in Carolina. Can't have that. That's a guaranteed failure. 


As for this game? You have one option. Over. How can you not take over 31? You want to sweat out a 14-13 game - I'm probably being generous here. I sure don't. Give me 20-14, Cats.