Former NHL Legend Paul Bissonnette Puts On A Clinic, Picks Nose For A Full 35 Seconds
I don't know if it's god. I don't know if it's a product of evolution. All I know is that the human finger is the perfect size to fit up the human nostril. So if you don't think that we are meant to pick our noses, then I don't know what to tell you. Do you think when humans were first roaming the Earth that they were carrying around boxes of Kleenex with them? You think they were blowing their noses into a tissue every time they had a boogie? Or do you think they were picking that shit themselves? It's just natural human instinct at that point. It is deeply ingrained into our genetic code.
So now that we've established we are meant to pick our nose, let's talk about this performance put on by Paul "Biz Nasty" Bissonnette. That right there is what grit and determination look like. A lesser man would have stopped after the 9-second mark. They would have admitted defeat and called it a day. But not Biz. He's not wired that way. 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, it doesn't matter. He's not going to stop until the job is done. If he has to go 2 hairy knuckles deep up that schnoz to take out that boogie, then that's what he is going to do. Never give up, never surrender.
Easily the best performance out of anybody wearing a Columbus Blue Jackets sweater this year.