
Watch Georgia Crush LSU's Spirits Early With A Blocked Field Goal TD And Off-The-Helmet INT

If the LSU Tigers had any hope of knocking off Georgia in Saturday's SEC Championship Game, they were going to need a couple breaks to go their way so they could seize some momentum. Whatever the exact opposite of that would be is what actually went down in Atlanta during the first quarter.

First, we had this wild-ass sequence in which LSU had a total protection breakdown on a field goal attempt that led to Christopher Smith housing the blocked kick from 95 yards out — including some golden press box footage:

Against all odds and potential divine intervention, the Tigers drove right down the field for a quick TD of their own to tie the score at seven. Then, this ill-fated Jayden Daniels pass attempt happened:

Sometimes it just ain't your day! DAMN. The College Football Playoff selection committee has enough of a shit show on their hands already. I would've loved to see LSU upset the Bulldogs and throw another wrench into the proceedings. Not that it'd have that much of an impact since Georgia is in the top four regardless. At this point, I'm simply for all the chaos. With sadness I must report that the chaos in this instance favored the defending national champions, which is a real fun killer, let's be honest.


Were I an LSU fan, I'd actually be grateful for these cruel plot twists. At least I'm better off knowing the deck is stacked against me from the start and that I won't have my heart shattered into a million pieces on some final-play loss. Just kill the hope before my expectations go up!

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