
Watch This Young Lady Fresh Out Of Wisdom Tooth Surgery Profess Her Love For Joe Burrow And Deliver Spot-On Bengals Analysis

As someone who covers anything Cincinnati Bengals-related and has had all his wisdom teeth removed thus knowing the state of mind one is in afterwards, I can't help but be impressed with this dental patient's monologuing to the camera and telling zero lies about her beloved team and quarterback.

I for one would NOT have wanted anyone to see me post-wisdom teeth removal. For all the sports I've covered in my many years of writing, too, I doubt I could've given this succinct, spot-on breakdown of what the Bengals were up against entering last Sunday's game in Tennessee. 

While she was at it, this lass decided to shoot her shot for Joe Burrow but in such a classy, wholesome way so as not to be a potential homewrecker. That's the stereotypical kindness you get from us Midwest folk that we take pride in. Hell yeah!!

Totally get the crush on Joe Burrow. Not only is he a hell of a sight for sore eyes, but his swagger and elite quarterbacking add to the mystique and sizzle.

This video is just now blowing up and making the rounds, so obviously some of the football-related portion of the video is a little dated. Thankfully, this dazed fan's concerns about facing the Titans sans Ja'Marr Chase and Joe Mixon were unfounded. Joey B and Co. strolled into Nashville and beat that Titans ass again, just like in the Divisional Round of the playoffs.

That point about Joe Brr failing to beat the Browns to date hit me right in the gut. OUCH. No lies told here, though!

I'm sure this lovely lady who did such a commendable job representing Who Dey Nation is all recovered now and ready to roll for Sunday's clash with the Chiefs in Cincinnati. At least I hope she is. I got a blood clot at the site of one of my excised wisdom teeth. Had to go back in multiple times until it was sucked out. Sometimes there are complications. Lots of chewing gauze and wondering, "Is all this blood, in fact, normal?"

Sorry, not to get too grisly about this wisdom tooth thing. I initially wrote "grizzly" like the bear and safe to say I'm either nostalgic for snuff or subconsciously did an affective memory acting exercise where my mind slipped back into post-wisdom teeth surgery mode.

Back to the football! It sounds like Ja'Marr is going to play in a couple days and hopefully torch the Chiefs again. Mixon is very close to returning, but Samaje Perine is doing just fine as the lead tailback. 

All the pressure as usual is on Kansas City to hold court as the top dog in the AFC. Seems like the Bengals are already in their heads. I guess we'll find out soon enough.


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