
I've Been Losing Sleep Over My Jeremy Hill Gaffe At The Dozen Boston Live Event

Did I call it or did I call it? While you wait for the finale of the Fenway Faceoff tonight, did I not call this live event being the most electric event we've seen? House of Blues in Boston was ROCKING. I thought the roof was going to come off at one point, and that was before the boo's started raining down on Keegs. #1 it was an unreal event, from Jeff D Lowe to Tech Guy Andrew, Spider hyping up the crowd, Arya, Mr Portnoy hanging out backstage, everyone involved was fantastic. The event itself was insane. 

Our match vs the #2 Frankettes looked like a mismatch on paper, and it was, but man did we give them a run for their money. If you watched it (if you haven't you can and should watch it here) you knew it could get out of hand if the Frankettes were on their game....and as soon as they phoned Steven Cheah I knew they weren't. They did get the steal of our question, who knows how Frank knew Baron Davis, but the Misfits stole theirs right back. Baseball was all Dante and I bricked the steal, should have been a bigger lead for us. Brandon Phillips man, just think. Then the Misfits went on a RUN. 

Celeb mashup, Music, Snacks, Movies, Bonus Round, a College Football steal, the Misfits were cruising, we were FEELING it. Keegs dishing out middle fingers, crowd going nuts, it was great. We had built up a 4 point lead going into round 9. Up 9-5 on the Misfits with Frank LOSING it. He couldn't check into his hotel, had to carry his bag around, it was all unraveling for Frank and the Frankettes. 

I thought we had gotten the crowd on our side, it was like in one of those 15-2 March Madness games where the crowd is just kind of there and the 15 is hanging in and then they take a lead at halftime and the momentum from the crowd begins to swing behind the 15 seed. That is what I felt happening. We got our ask the audience which was huge, I thought we were back from the Keegs booing…..But then the Geography category came up and we know what that means. Live look at KB when he heard that.

Giphy Images.

We knew the 3 point swing was coming, I had hoped we built enough of a lead to withstand it. It's like a tidal wave though, you can see it coming and can't do anything about it. In a matter of 45 seconds we went from up 4 to up 1 and the crowd was back on their side BIG. 


TV was up next, Keegs and Dante talked that out and we were able to build up to a 2-point lead again and then the dagger. They get a Chad Michael Murray question and right away Keegs and I know what it is. The second Nick and KB didn't say it I thought we had it in the bag, if they didn't know the answer no shot Frank would know it. He starts spitballing and mumbles "I don't know, One Tree Hill? I don't know anything on the CW because THE CW SUCKS!". He isn't wrong and One Tree Hill is the only show I know from the CW (Sup Jana Kramer) so when he said that I knew we were screwed. Keegs ripped off her niche of Harry Potter, Frank got the Mets question and that still had us with a 2 point lead going into round 11 which was NFL. We hadn't used our double but had talked about it for music which we got, looking back we 100% should have done that. 

This is the exact moment I looked at Dante and said "Rudi Johnson? Jeremy Hill?". I should have gone with my gut. I knew Rudi was too old, but I went with him. I should have just thought about it more. Fucking talk it out, I rushed it. Hank told me after he knew it because Hill played for the Pats. He couldn't help though, brutal. I just rushed it, I rushed my final answer and should have kept thinking because if we get that, the game is basically over. It's done. I fucked it up and rushed it, Nick was Nick and pulled Hill and Kelvin Benjamin and then we got a VERY tough logos question. 

We went from on top on the mountain with a HUGE upset brewing to the Frankettes wave devouring us in minutes. I'm crushed. We had that upset, and I know we would have beaten Ziti in the Finals. We had it. Dante and Keegs were great, they carried me the second half, it was a true all around team performance. Hank was a great coach as always with the ask the audience pull, that was huge. I just can't believe I messed up Jeremy Hill that bad. I don't have a real reason why I went Rudy either, I just don't. 

Regardless it was an awesome night, the matches were great, everyone killed it, the crowd was fantastic and it was just a blast. I wish we would have won but I can live with that performance. I was worried about a 14-3 bloodbath and came a question away from an all time upset. And I won't lie, I've lost sleep over Jeremy Hill. I see him in my dreams, I toss and turn muttering his name, I don't know if I'll ever get over it. Damnit man, Jeremy Hill. Should have just said his name again. 14-12 loss after being up that long was crushing. I'm just sick I screwed it up.

Give our match and Ziti vs Minihane a watch if you haven't and make sure you tune into the Championship tonight. Awesome times were had by all. 
