
Jack Black Is Walking Wonderboy Out To The Octagon This Weekend

Stephen "Wonderboy" Thompson has walked out to 'Wonderboy' by Tenacious D for over a decade, and this Saturday, at UFC Orlando, he'll be walked to the octagon by none other than THE LEGEND Jack Black himself....

I don't think Jack'll be able to do a full live performance like when Sinead O'Connor sang the "Foggy Dew" for McGregor or anything like that....

….but just having the man who sings your walkout in your corner like that is amazing. Especially when that man is Jack Black. I mean - who doesn't love Jack Black?!

It's an all time walkout song too and I'm glad Wonderboy gets to do something like this at this stage in his career. Credit to the UFC for allowing more shit like this (and Dave walking Paddy/Molly out, The Nelk Boys signing fighters, The Rock presenting the BMF Title, etc.) recently - I think it's amazing for the sport.

Thompson fights Kevin Holland on Saturday in Orlando, and despite it being a tough fight for him, he's looking for a win so that he could get a fight with Nick Diaz(?) of all people next….


I think that's a super weird callout considering how poorly Nick's last fight went, but I guess Wonderboy's gotta find big names he won't have to grapple with and could still beat in 2022 (no disrespect)

Good luck to him in that.