
Fuck Cleveland

The fact that an NFL game with multi-million dollar athletes running up and down the length of it is insane. How much earlier this week was this that there couldn't have been a reasonable fix?! That's an embarrassment, but I almost have more of a problem with Jermiah Owusu-Koramoah. A player out of Notre Dame I really liked in the Draft a few years ago. He was a hybrid Linebacker/Safety that was perfect for the modern NFL. But after today, I think he should be suspended at the very least. Kicked out of the league is on my mind too. The bush league play he pulled today was just insanity. It was so bad they wouldn't even show a replay of it. 

I mean look at this shit! He tried to jump over a 6 foot player who was pass blocking him. Meaning the guy was looking directly at him. He went so high in the air he basically did a summersault and lost control of his body. He landed directly on All-Pro Right Tackle Tristan Wirf's left leg. The whole thing happened without a flag. 

So yes, people can point to Todd Bowles punting from the Cleveland 37 on 4th & 2 early in the 4th Quarter with a 17-10 lead as the reason for a Bucs loss. You could even point to the puzzling decision not to call timeout after a 1 yard catch after the first play of the final drive in regulation with about :25 seconds left. I would understand those things and I get it. While I acknowledge some decisions could've been made differently, I choose to funnel my negative energy towards the city of Cleveland because I saw some shit I have a real problem with today. So in closing, fuck Cleveland.