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Katie Stats' Rivalry Week Stat Sheet, For All of Your Betting Needs

Tony Ding. Shutterstock Images.

It is the last week of the regular season, but it just might be the best so far. You have 9+ pages of stats to help you get through it. Also while you're waiting for the slate to kick off, why not check out the Barstool Store for 20% off of everything for Black Friday. Otherwise, please be responsibly and on the Barstool Sportsbook!


  • Vs. Auburn, home team is 5-0 ATS in L5 meetings

  • At home, under is 4-0 in L4, and 5-1 in L6

  • As a 20+ point favorite, under is 7-1 in L8

  • 1-5 ATS in L6 games.

  • 9-0 ATS vs. teams with losing records.

  • #5 scoring offense, 40.0 ppg. #27 passing offense, 272.4 ypg. #17 total offense, 472 ypg.

  • #11 scoring defense, 17.2 ppg allowed. #14 rush defense, 107.82 ypg allowed. #27 pass defense, 195.9 ypg allowed. #15 total defense, 303.7 ypg allowed.

App State

  • Vs. Georgia Southern, 0-4 ATS in L4 meetings.


  • After a SU loss, 5-1 ATS in L6.

  • #5 passing offense, 329.2 ypg. #19 total offense, 460.8 ypg.

  • #125 scoring defense, 36.6 ppg allowed. #125 rush defense, 213.55 ypg allowed. #126 total defense, 461.5 ypg allowed.

Arizona State

  • 0-4 ATS in L4 games.

  • After a spread loss, 1-5 ATS in L6.


  • 4-1 ATS in L5 games.

  • As away team, over is 5-1 in L6.

  • #8 rushing offense, 233.45 ypg.

  • #118 pass defense, 276.8 ypg allowed. #118 total defense, 451.9 ypg allowed.

Arkansas State

  • Vs. Troy, away team is 5-0 ATS in L5 meetings. 


  • Vs. Alabama, home team is 5-0 ATS in L5 meetings. 

  • 4-1 ATS in L5 games. Over is 5-1 ATS in L6 games.

  • As away underdog, over is 4-1 in L5. 

  • Vs. ranked teams, 0-6 SU in L6. 

  • #115 passing offense, 181.4 ypg.

  • #94 rush defense, 172.64 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Texas, under is 9-0 in L9 meetings.

  • As an underdog, 4-0 ATS in L4 and 8-1 ATS in L9. As an away dog, 5-1 ATS in L6. 

  • As away team, over is 4-0 in L4. 

  • After a SU loss, 5-1 ATS in L6. 

  • #83 pass defense, 236.2 ypg allowed.

Boise State

  • Vs. Utah State, 5-0 ATS in L5 meetings.

  • At home, over is 4-0 in L4. 

  • #1 pass defense, 145.4 ypg allowed.

  • #4 total defense, 267.6 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Kent State, over is 4-0 in L4, and 5-1 in L6 meetings. Home team is 4-0 ATS in L4 meetings.


  • Vs. UCLA, under is 9-0 in L9 meetings, and 11-1 in L12.

  • Over is 4-0 in L4 games. 

  • As an underdog, 0-7 SU in L7. As a 7+ point dog, 0-8 SU.

  • After a win, under is 4-0-1 in L5. 

  • #127 pass defense, 287.7 ypg allowed.

Central Michigan

  • Vs. Eastern Michigan, 5-0 ATS in L5 meetings.


  • 1-5 ATS in L6 games, and under is 6-1 in L7 games.

  • At home, 0-3 ATS in L3.


  • Vs. South Carolina, 4-1 ATS in L5 meetings. Away team is 4-0 ATS in L4 meetings.

  • As a double digit favorite at home, 1-7 ATS in L8. (the win was last week vs. Miami)

  • At home vs. non-conference, 1-10 ATS in L11.

  • T#24 scoring defense, 20 ppg allowed. #12 rush defense, 104.18 ypg allowed. #18 total defense, 318.7 ypg allowed.

Coastal Carolina

  • #119 pass defense, 277.9 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Utah, 1-5 ATS in L6 meetings.

  • Over is 4-1 in L5 games.

  • As 21+ point dogs, 0-6 ATS in L6, and over is 5-1 in L6.

  • After not covering, over is 7-1 in L8.

Colorado State

  • Vs. New Mexico, 8-1 ATS in L9 meetings, and under is 4-0 in L4.


  • Vs. Wake Forest, 1-4 ATS in L5 meetings.

East Carolina

  • Vs. Temple, under is 7-1 in L8 meetings. Have covered L3. 

Eastern Michigan

  • Vs. Central Michigan, 0-5 ATS in L5 meetings.


  • Vs. Middle Tennessee, over is 7-1 in L8 meetings. FIU is 1-4 ATS in L5 meetings.


  • Has won the L3 meetings vs FSU.

  • As away team, 1-6 SU in L7. 

  • As away underdog, 5-0 ATS in L5.

  • After not covering, over is 4-0 in L4.


  • As a dog by 7+, 0-8 SU in L8, and over is 5-1-1 in L7. 

  • #15 rushing offense, 209.27 ypg.

  • #92 rush defense, 171.55 ypg allowed. #86 pass defense, 236.9 ypg allowed.

Florida State

  • Florida has won the L3 meetings.

  • At home, over is 4-1 in L5. 

  • 4-0 ATS in L4 games.

  • At home, over is 4-1 in L5. 

  • As a favorite, 6-1 ATS in L7. 

  • #23 scoring offense, 35.4 ppg. #14 rushing offense, 217 ypg. #16 total offense 473.7 ypg.

  • #13 scoring defense, 18 ppg allowed. #4 pass defense, 155.4 ypg allowed. #11 total defense, 293.4 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Wyoming, 5-1 ATS in L6 meetings, and under is 5-1 in L6.


  • Vs. GT, 5-1 ATS in L6 meetings. 

  • #11 scoring offense, 38.4 ppg. #13 passing offense, 298.8 ypg. #7 total offense, 492.7 ypg.

  • #1 scoring defense, 11.1 ppg allowed. #3 rush defense, 83 ypg allowed. #20 pass defense, 189 ypg allowed. #5 total defense, 272 ypg allowed.

Georgia Southern

  • Vs. App State, 4-0 ATS in L4 meetings.

Georgia Tech

  • Vs. Georgia, 1-5 ATS in L5 meetings.

  • After a SU win, 1-5 ATS in L6. 

  • T#123 scoring offense, 17.5 ppg. #111 passing offense, 190.1 ypg. #110 total offense 331.5 ypg.

  • #103 rush defense, 182.36 ypg allowed.


  • Over is 9-2 this season. 

  • #14 scoring offense, 37.8 ppg. #10 passing offense, 315.2 ypg.

  • #125 pass defense, 282.9 ypg allowed.


  • As away team, 7-1 ATS in L8.

  • After a SU loss, 7-1-1 ATS in L9. 

  • T#3 scoring defense, 13.1 ppg allowed. #7 rush defense, 93.36 ypg allowed. #7 pass defense, 165.3 ypg allowed. #2 total defense, 258.6 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Purdue, 0-5 ATS in L5 meetings.

  • #123 total defense, 454.8 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Nebraska, 7-0 SU in L7 meetings.

  • T#123 scoring offense, 17.5 ppg. #122 rushing offense, 94.82 ypg. #123 passing offense, 158.9 ypg. #130 total offense, 253.7 ypg. 

  • #5 scoring defense, 13.5 ppg allowed. #17 rush defense, 108.91 ypg allowed. #6 pass defense, 164.4 ypg allowed. #6 total defense, 273.3 ypg allowed.

Iowa State

  • Vs. TCU, 5-1 ATS in L6 meetings. Iowa State is 3-0 SU in L3 meetings. 

  • Under is 7-0 in L7 games.

  • As an underdog, under is 8-0 in L8.

  • Vs. ranked teams, under is 10-1 in L11.

  • When a 7+ point dog, 7-0-1 ATS in L8.

  • #8 scoring defense, 16.5 ppg allowed. #13 rush defense, 105.18 ypg allowed. T#8 pass defense, 172.1 ypg allowed. #8 total defense, 277.3 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Kansas State, under is 5-1 in L6 meetings. Kansas is 0-3 ATS in L3, and lost SU the L13.

  • #23 rushing offense, 200 ypg.

  • #114 scoring defense, 32.6 ppg allowed. #108 pass defense, 262 ypg allowed. #120 total defense, 452.5 ypg allowed.

Kansas State

  • Vs. Kansas, under is 5-1 in L6 meetings. KSU is 3-0 ATS in L3, and won SU L13.

  • #17 rushing offense, 208.18 ypg.

  • #15 scoring defense, 18.7 ppg allowed. #113 rush defense, 190.45 ypg allowed.

Kent State

  • Vs. Buffalo, over is 4-0 in L4, and 5-1 in L6 meetings. Home team is 4-0 ATS in L4 meetings.


  • Vs. Louisville, 4-1 ATS in L5 meetings, and over is 6-1 in L7 meetings.

  • Under is 7-0 in L7, and 11-1 in L12.

  • #107 scoring offense, 21.7 ppg. #107 rushing offense, 116.82 ypg. #107 total offense, 335.5 ypg.

  • T#19 scoring defense, 19.6 ppg allowed. #12 pass defense, 176 ypg allowed. #19 total defense, 321.2 ypg allowed.

Louisiana Lafayette

  • Vs. Texas State, 9-0 SU, 8-1 ATS in L9 meetings.


  • Vs. Kentucky, 1-4 ATS in L5 meetings, and over is 6-1 in L7 meetings.

  • T#19 scoring defense, 19.6 ppg allowed.


  • Vs. Texas A&M, 10-0-1 ATS in L11 meetings.

  • As away favorite, under is 4-1 in L5.

  • #34 total offense, 437.9 ypg.


  • T#24 scoring defense, 20 ppg allowed.


  • Under is 7-1 in L8.

  • #7 scoring defense, 15.5 ppg allowed. #6 rush defense, 91.18 ypg allowed. #10 total defense, 286.2 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. SMU, 7-1 ATS in L8 meetings.


  • Vs. Pittsburgh, 4-0 ATS in L4, and 6-1 ATS in L7 meetings. 

  • 1-9 ATS in L10.


  • Vs. Ohio State, over is 7-0-1 in L8 meetings. Underdog is 4-1 ATS in L5 meetings.

  • As away team, 5-1 ATS in L6. 

  • After not covering, 5-0 ATS in L5. 

  • Blake Corum on his knee: “It’s good. I’ll be fine. I’ll be back”

  • #9 scoring offense, 39.4 ppg. #4 rushing offense, 243.82 ypg. #99 passing offense, 208.8 ypg. #23 total offense, 452.6 ypg.

  • #2 scoring defense, 11.7 ppg allowed. #2 rush defense, 79.55 ypg allowed. #5 pass defense, 161.7 ypg allowed. #1 total defense, 241.3 ypg allowed.

Michigan State

  • As away team, under is 4-1 in L5. 

  • Vs. ranked teams, under is 4-1 in L5. At ranked teams, under is 5-0 in L5, and 10-1 in L11.

Middle Tennessee

  • Vs. FIU, over is 7-1 in L8 meetings. MT is 4-1 ATS in L5 meetings.


  • Vs. Wisconsin, under is 4-1 in L5 meetings.

  • #9 rushing offense, 229.45 ypg. #119 passing offense, 173.8 ypg.

  • T#3 scoring defense, 13.1 ppg allowed. #10 rush defense, 102.45 ypg allowed. T#8 pass defense, 172.1 ypg allowed. #7 total defense, 274.5 ypg allowed.

Mississippi State (opened at +5)

  • Vs. Ole Miss, under is 5-0 in L5 meetings. Underdog is 5-1 ATS in L6 meetings. Road team is 6-1 ATS in L7 meetings.

  • As away team, under is 4-0 in L4, and 0-3 ATS in L3.

  • Vs. SEC, 0-4 ATS in L4.

  • L3 games went over. 

  • #130 rushing offense, 79.27 ypg. #9 passing offense, 321.2 ypg. 

NC State

  • Vs. UNC, 0-5 ATS in L5 meetings. 

  • 1-7 ATS in L8 games.

  • At a ranked team, 1-8 ATS in L9, and over is 5-1 in L6.

  • As away team, 0-5 ATS in L5. 

  • #101 rushing offense, 126.64 ypg. #102 total offense, 344.7 ypg.

  • #15 scoring defense, 18.7 ppg allowed. #9 rush defense, 101.36 ypg allowed. #21 total defense, 323.4 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Iowa, 0-7 SU in L7 meetings.

  • Under is 4-0 in L4, and 7-1 in L8.

  • On a 5 game losing streak.

  • #108 total defense, 427.2 ypg allowed.

New Mexico

  • Vs. Colorado State, 1-8 ATS in L9 meetings, and under is 4-0 in L4. 

North Carolina

  • Vs. NC State, 5-0 ATS in L5 meetings.

  • L3 games went under.

  • #13 scoring offense, 38 ppg. #6 passing offense, 328.9 ypg. #8 total offense, 492.7 ypg.

  • #104 scoring defense, 30.4 ppg allowed. #98 rush defense, 179.73 ypg allowed. #116 pass defense, 273.2 ypg allowed. #121 total defense, 452.9 ypg allowed.

Notre Dame

  • Vs. USC, home team is 7-1 ATS in L8 meetings. L3 games went under.

  • Over is 5-0 in L5 games.

  • When an underdog by a TD or less, over is 6-1 in L7. 

  • Vs. ranked teams. 4-0 ATS in L4. 

  • As away team, 6-0 ATS in L6, and 8-1 ATS in L9. As an away underdog, 4-0 ATS in L4.

  • #113 passing offense, 189.2 ypg. 

  • T#27 scoring defense, 20.3 ppg allowed. #16 pass defense, 186.8 ypg allowed. #17 total defense, 317.5 ypg allowed.

Ohio State

  • Vs. Michigan, over is 7-0-1 in L8 meetings. Underdog is 4-1 ATS in L5 meetings.

  • Over is 8-1 in L9 games. 

  • Vs ranked teams, 1-7 ATS in L8.

  • At home, over is 5-0 in L5, and 4-0-1 ATS in L5.

  • TreVeyon Henderson was seen in a boot on Monday. Miyan Williams was seen walking by himself.

  • T#1 scoring offense, 46.5 ppg. #20 rushing offense, 203.55 ypg. #17 passing offense, 289.2 ypg. #8 total offense, 492.7 ypg.


  • #10 scoring defense, 16.9 ppg allowed. #15 rush defense, 107.91 ypg allowed. #11 pass defense, 175.5 ypg allowed. #9 total defense, 283.4 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Texas Tech, 10-0 SU in L10, 4-1 ATS in L5, and over is 10-0-1 in L11 meetings.

  • As an away favorite, under is 5-1 in L6. 

  • #13 rushing offense, 217.18 ypg. #22 total offense, 454 ypg.

  • #114 rush defense, 191.36 ypg allowed. #96 pass defense, 245.6 ypg allowed. #112 total defense, 437 ypg allowed.

Oklahoma State

  • Vs. WVU, 7-0 SU in L7, 6-0-1 ATS in L7, and under is 3-0 in L3. 

  • Under is 4-0 in L4 games.

  • #117 total defense, 451.2 ypg allowed.

Ole Miss (opened at -5)

  • Vs. Mississippi State, under is 5-0 in L5 meetings. Underdog is 5-1 ATS in L6 meetings. Road team is 6-1 ATS in L7 meetings.

  • When a favorite by <7, 1-5-1 ats in l7. < p>

  • #24 scoring offense, 35.3 ppg. #3 rushing offense, 278.09 ypg. #5 total offense, 505.3 ypg.

  • #90 rush defense, 167.73 ypg allowed.


  • 6-1 ATS in L7 games. L3 games went under.

  • As a favorite, 6-1 ATS in L7, and 11-2 ATS in L13. When a favorite by TD or less, 6-1 ATS in L7, and are 10-0 SU. 

  • As away favorite, 4-1 ATS in L5.

  • #4 scoring offense, 40.2 ppg. #12 rushing offense, 223 ypg. #18 passing offense, 288.2 ypg. #3 total offense, 511.2 ypg.

  • #22 rush defense, 112.55 ypg allowed. #121 pass defense, 278.8 ypg allowed.

Oregon State

  • 5-0 ATS in L5 games. 

  • After a SU win, 7-0 ATS in L7. 

  • At home, 11-0 ATS in L11. 

  • #94 passing offense, 213.2 ypg.

  • T#27 scoring defense, 20.3 ppg allowed. #19 rush defense, 111.36 ypg allowed. #25 total defense, 330.6 ypg allowed.

Penn State

  • 5-0 ATS in L5 games. Over is 5-1 in L6 games. 

  • After spread cover, 6-1 ATS in L7.

  • #19 scoring offense, 35.9 ppg.

  • #14 scoring defense, 18.2 ppg allowed.


  • Vs. Miami, 0-4 ATS in L4, and 1-6 ATS in L7 meetings. 

  • #8 rush defense, 94.55 ypg allowed. #16 total defense, 313.7 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Indiana, 5-0 ATS in L5 meetings.


  • Vs. Memphis, 1-7 ATS in L8 meetings.

  • #10 scoring offense, 38.8 ppg. #7 passing offense, 326.2 ypg. #10 total offense, 484.9 ypg.

  • #122 rush defense, 207.82 ypg allowed. #115 total defense 446.6 ypg allowed.

South Carolina

  • Vs. Clemson, 1-4 ATS in L5 meetings. Away team is 4-0 ATS in L4 meetings. 

  • As away underdog, 1-4 ATS in L5. 

  • As a double digit underdog to ranked teams, over is 5-1 in L6. 

  • After a spread win, 1-8 ATS in L9.

  • #96 rushing offense, 129.55 ypg.

  • #109 rush defense, 188.36 ypg allowed.


  • On a 5 game losing streak. 0-4 ATS in L4 games.

  • #13 pass defense, 183 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Iowa State, 1-5 ATS in L6 meetings. TCU is 0-3 SU in L3 meetings.

  • #8 scoring offense, 39.5 ppg. 

  • #95 pass defense, 244.8 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. ECU, under is 7-1 in L8 meetings. ECU has covered L3. 


  • After a SU loss, 7-1 ATS in L8, and over is 7-0 in L7.

  • Without Hendon Hooker - torn ACL.

  • T#1 scoring offense, 46.5 ppg. #2 passing offense, 348.8 ypg. #1 total offense, 540.4 ypg. 

  • #16 rush defense, 108.55 ypg allowed. #130 pass defense, 303.4 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Baylor, under is 9-0 in L9 meetings.

  • At home, under is 6-1 in L7.

Texas A&M

  • Vs. LSU, 0-10-1 ATS in L11 meetings.

  • 0-4-1 ATS in L5 games.

  • #108 scoring offense, 21.4 ppg. #96 total offense, 355.5 ypg. 

  • #30 scoring defense, 21 ppg allowed. #123 rush defense, 211 ypg allowed. #2 pass defense, 152.5 ypg allowed.

Texas State

  • Vs. Louisiana Lafayette, 0-9 SU, 1-8 ATS in L9 meetings.

Texas Tech

  • Vs. Oklahoma, 0-10 SU in L10, 1-4 ATS in L5, and over is 10-0-1 in L11 meetings.


  • At home, over is 5-1 in L6. 


  • Vs. Arkansas State, away team is 5-0 ATS in L5 meetings. 


  • As away team, 6-0 ATS in L6. 

  • As an underdog, 5-1 ATS in L6, and under is 5-1 in L6.

  • At a ranked team, 1-7 ATS in L8.


  • 0-6 ATS in L6 games.


  • As away team, 0-5 ATS in L5. 

  • #10 rushing offense, 228.64 ypg.


  • After a SU loss, 4-0 ATS in L4.

  • #7 rushing offense, 234.45 ypg. #13 total offense, 481 ypg. 


  • Vs. Cal, under is 9-0 in L9 meetings, and 11-1 in L12.

  • As away team, over is 5-0 in L5. 

  • As away favorite, 5-0 SU, 5-0 ATS in L5. 

  • #5 scoring offense, 40.0 ppg. #6 rushing offense, 236.82 ypg. #6 total offense, 504.9 ypg.

  • #117 pass defense, 274 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Notre Dame, home team is 7-1 ATS in L8 meetings. L3 went under.

  • Over is 5-0 in L5 games.

  • At home, as a favorite by a TD or less, 1-5 ATS in L6. does go back to 2018.

  • #3 scoring offense, 42.9 ppg. #4 passing offense, 330.8 ypg. #2 total offense, 513 ypg.

  • #105 pass defense, 257.8 ypg allowed.


  • At home, 0-5 ATS in L5, and over is 6-1 in L7.

  • Vs ranked team, 7-1 ATS in L8, and over is 6-1 in L7.


  • Vs. Colorado, 5-1 ATS in L6 meetings.

  • Under is 4-0 in L4 games.

  • As away team, 1-5 ATS in L6. 

  • As away favorite, 2-7 ATS in L9.

  • #16 scoring offense, 37.3 ppg. 

Utah State

  • Vs. Boise State, 0-5 ATS in L5 meetings.


  • #118 scoring defense, 34.2 ppg allowed. #129 pass defense, 303.2 ypg allowed. #125 total defense, 456.5 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. VT, 1-5 ATS in L6 meetings.

  • #126 scoring offense, 17 ppg. #102 rushing offense, 123.1 ypg. #103 total offense, 344.1 ypg.

Virginia Tech

  • Vs. Virginia, 5-1 ATS in L6 meetings. 

  • #117 scoring offense, 19.3 ppg. #115 rushing offense, 110.82 ypg. #118 total offense, 314.1 ypg.

Wake Forest

  • Vs. Duke, 4-1 ATS in L5 meetings.

  • #15 scoring offense, 37.4 ppg.

  • #109 pass defense, 262.1 ypg allowed.


  • Last year, lost to Wazzu, breaking a 7 year win streak, and a 6-0 ATS run

  • As away favorite, 0-6 ATS in L6.

  • As a favorite by less than a TD, 1-4 ATS in L4. 

  • #7 scoring offense, 39.8 ppg. #1 passing offense, 366.8 ypg. #4 total offense, 505.7 ypg.

Washington State

  • Last year, beat Wasington, breaking a 7 year losing streak and 0-6 ATS streak.

  • 4-0 ATS in L4 games. Under is 6-1 in L7, and 10-2 in L12 games. 

  • At home, 5-0 ATS in L5, 9-1 ATS in L11, and under is 5-1 in L6. 

  • After a spread win, 6-1 ATS in L7.

  • #110 rushing offense, 115.36 ypg.

  • #23 scoring defense, 19.8 ppg allowed. #26 rush defense, 119.18 ypg allowed. #97 pass defense, 246.8 ypg allowed.

West Virginia

  • Vs. Ok State, 0-7 SU in L7, 0-6-1 ATS in L7, and under is 3-0 in L3. 

  • As away team, under is 4-0 in L4, and 0-3 ATS in L3.

Western Kentucky

  • Under is 6-1 in L7 games.

  • #17 scoring offense, 36.2 ppg. #3 passing offense, 333.1 ypg.


  • Vs. Minnesota, under is 4-1 in L5 meetings.

  • #112 passing offense, 189.4 ypg.

  • T#27 scoring defense, 20.3 ppg allowed. #11 rush defense, 103.73 ypg allowed. #24 pass defense, 191.6 ypg allowed. #12 total defense, 295.4 ypg allowed.


  • Vs. Fresno, 1-5 ATS in L6 meetings, and under is 5-1 in L6.