
The Opening Intro For Monday Night Football In Mexico City Was Fucking Electric And Should Be The Intro For Every Monday Night Football Game If Not Every Football Game

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You guys know I only use that gif for truly awesome shit, but I think John Sutcliffe delivered in spades, which caused me to think. Why don't we have every Monday Night Football game begin like that if not every football game? It seems kinda crazy that a game as violent as football jam packed with super athletes begins with a couple of guys in suits talking to us at home before the carnage ensues at kickoff. 

The Buffer brothers have built an entire cottage industry getting people in the arena and at home hyped up for a contact sport. There is no reason a third Buffer brother shouldn't be doing the same for every game of pigskin or at least on Monday night when the entire football world is watching or John Sutcliffe can keep the job if he wants it. Maybe we could hire him for the next Barstool Invitational or Arizona Bowl because that man can drop a Viva with the best of them.