
Death, Taxes, And The Browns Finding Ways To Lose Football Games

I don't know why I continue to subject myself to this. Sunday's are supposed to be a day of rest, and they are BY FAR the most stressful part of my week. Not only has being a Browns fan been a waste of the last 29 years of my life, cheering for them has to have at least taken off another 10 on the back end. And what's gotten worse lately is the fact that we actually look good to start games this year. 

The result is still the same as it's always been: we lose. But for the fifth time this season, we drove right down the field and scored on the opening drive, giving me hope that things might be changing.

But here's an Only In Cleveland stat for you: The Browns are now 0-5 in games this season when they score on their opening drive. How is that possible? I would imagine team's that score first have a fairly high winning percentage, and ours is ZERO when we score right out of the gate.

But it wasn't even just the fist drive that gave us hope today. We then immediately forced a three and out. In fact, we didn't give up a 1st down until eight minutes remaining in the HALF. The defense looked elite in the first quarter against an elite offense.

But give Joe Woods enough time, and surely he will find a way to make the Browns defense look like shit. The Bills proceeded to rattle off 25 straight points, just like we all knew they would. Another non-shocking event was the Browns special teams looked like shit, showcased by another Cade York blocked field goal. We either don't work on blocking for field goals or we need to get our 4th round draft pick back and trade it for someone that doesn't kick it right into the line. This guy is one make in his first career start away from getting booed out of town.

This team is so predictable. Receivers not being within 20 yards of our defenders, special teams mishaps, going for it when we should take points, and of course, getting absolutely GASHED by the other teams running game.

What else is new? Death, taxes, and the Browns letting the other team go a million yards above their average on the ground. Meanwhile, our rushing attack that is supposed to be the best in the league, was held to 80 total yards. Nick Chubb: 14 carries for 19 yards. Yuck.

The Browns continue to find ways to lose football games. Today it was a couple dropped touchdown passes, a momentum swinging fumble on a drive with a 10-3 lead, a stuffed QB sneak on 4th down, and a full helping of penalties. And I don't care that we played the Bills. It doesn't matter who is lining up across from us: this team will find a way to beat themselves. We DOMINATED early, but we couldn't capitalize, and we got our asses kicked the rest of the day.


At what point can we make a change on the coaching staff? I'm not saying it needs to be Stefanski, although I'm not saying it doesn't need to be (I want to see him with Deshaun first though). But how do Joe Woods and Mike Priefer still have jobs? If you lined the coordinators up on midfield and had an old school gym class dodgeball draft, these two would be the LAST people picked. And we bring them back week after week with the exact same results. This team stinks. These coaches aren't helping.

And let me be very clear and reiterate this one more time: this team stinks. It's not the refs fault. But I am sick of this happening every single week:

It didn't cost us the game today like it did against the Ravens, but what the refs in this league looking at? It's hard enough for the Browns to win football games, but I'm sick of ghost calls costing us as well. 

Exhibit B:

Come on guys. The Browns can't win 11 on 11. We definitely can't win 11 on 18.

Anyways, the Browns are now 3-7. Please God just let the Bucs beat us next week so I don't have to get hooked back in and hope Deshaun rattles off 6 straight wins to sneak into the playoffs. Put us out of our misery next week, Tom Brady. I don't want a glimmer of hope. I'm tired of it getting taken away and ruining my weekend.

**If we're 3-8 when Deshaun comes back, should we just tank and get another piece for the future??? Oh wait, we don't have any 1st round draft picks until 2025.