
Let's See How Things Are Going At Twitter HQ Annnnnnnd Elon Musk Is Getting Clowned On The Building As Rumors Of Twitter's Demise Spreads

Yup, I'm gonna go ahead and say closing down HQ to avoid sabotage was probably the right move by Elon Musk.

I couldn't imagine spending $44 billion on a company just to become called a supreme parasite, petulant pimple, or worthless billionaire by people whose paychecks I (likely used to) sign on my HQ. I also couldn't imagine having $44 million let alone $44 billion. But getting called a Space Karen can't feel good, whether someone tweets it, says it to your face, or blasts it on your building as some of the most important people at your company reportedly chuck the deuces.


I'll admit I barely know what any of that shit actually means and this can all be some social media Y2K scenario. But all in all just a wild night for those of us hopelessly addicted to the stupid bird app, along with a follow up to one of the greatest old tweets ever.

And some classic replies in here.

Can't wait to see what Elon has up his sleeves on the world's premiere reality show app tomorrow!