
Watching These Highlights Of Vikings Radio Announcer Paul Allen Losing His Goddamn Mind During All The Chaos At The End Of Sunday's Bills Game Is INCREDIBLE

So I blogged about how the radio calls of Sunday's patently absurd game between the Vikings and Bills were somehow just as electric as the plays that happened during it. A huge part of that is because Paul Allen is one of the best in the biz that calls a game with about as much raw emotion as anybody can with a booming voice that seems to come from his soul and was the perfect guy to call a straight up ridiculous game between two Super Bowl contenders.

Luckily the Vikings were smart enough to put a camera on Allen during the game and were given the full rollercoaster of emotions that every Vikings fan/bettor went through on Sunday (Bills fans/bettors went through a similar rollercoaster, but there's no way any of them clicked this blog so I didn't think I had to mention them).

The biggest takeaway of all this outside of Paul Allen's hair being wayyyyy too nice for radio is that we need cameras on local radio guys for every game. Because if Barstool can get good content out of fans celebrating their team coming through (or more than likely crying after getting their guts ripped out), the actual sports teams should do the same with the guys that live and die with every game because it's their livelihood. Sure it wouldn't work with every radio guy since not all of them are diehards. But it does work with guys like Allen with the Vikings and my guy Gary Cohen with the Mets.

Now the Vikings have to put a camera in front of Paul Allen for every game for the rest of his career. I don't want them deleting the footage after those signature mind blowing Vikings losses either. The radio calls are going to be out there in audio form, so just hit the Record button and hope for the best since it's Must Watch content either way.