
The Booze Ponies Are The Most Entertainingly Bad Dozen Trivia Team Going

If you haven't watch yet ... spoilers ahead so just click off now. 

The Booze Ponies have 3 good entertaining guys on their team. Dana Beers is the lovable drinker who fits in at every party. Will Compton is a world class athlete who is always positive when you see him, yet never big times anyone. And Chef Donny is the quiet reserved fearless interesting one. 

As a whole, they are what makes The Dozen a great show/brand and Jeff D Lowe should be applauded for creating a fun company competition that everyone is super into and fans can get behind. Teams like this are fun. Every time they are on screen you know something entertaining is going to happen. It's not always good, but it sure as shit is entertaining. 

Look no further than last night as an example. 

First up ... we have Dana Beers doubling College Basketball . Now I am never one to criticize the commissioner but as Big T points out, Malcolm Brodgan as a clue was way more difficult than what Booze Ponies ended up getting. And I know I'm not a college basketball guy but the man has a point. Brogdan was significantly harder to pull than Aaron Craft. 

Speaking of Aaron Craft, Dana claims it's who he thinks would be the answer but "he scored like 20 points a game". Quick fact check: Craft never averages more than 10 ppg in a season and if you watched him you knew he was never an amazing offensive presence. Which also was a dead giveaway in the clue that he won Defensive Player Of The Year. I'm not here to pile on Dana. Lord knows I have missed my share of Dozen questions. Where I can pile on DB here is him NOT EVEN GIVING AN ANSWER !!!! 

Do you remember coming home from school with a test graded that you needed to get signed by your parents? I'll never forget once I left an answer blank. My dad didn't even care about the grade he was asking "How can you possibly leave an answer blank ? Write anything down." I would offer that advice to Dana Beers here as he didn't even reply. Come on Dana! I get if you say absolutely nothing in this game because you could give away a clue for a steal, but once you say "Aaron Craft" you have to guess him Especially on a DOUBLE ! You can't say nothing! Come on bro.... 

Either way, Will's frustration in him doubling was hilarious and you can feel Donny's pain by begging him to just guess something. This is why the Booze Ponies are can't miss TV. 

Then we have the post game team bickering where they absolute turn on each other. This used to be an Uptown Balls special. Every time they were on they would fight and it would be entertainment. Then they won the title and lost their charm of the lovable losers. 

The Booze Ponies have picked up that title with episodes like last night as they were fighting about niche categories and screaming over each other. I watch every episode of The Dozen and I have to say The Booze Ponies are super entertaining. 

It's the stuff like this that makes the show. Not just the right or wrong answers. It's all the in between stuff like this. I hope they can sort things out and pick up a few W's because they are super likable and very funny, but man are they a circus sometimes. I mean that in the best way possible. Rooting for the Booze Ponies. Keep making us laugh. 


Check out the full episode here : 

Tonight … Team Minihane takes on The Ice Men … speaking of entertaining watch Stu Feiner do anything and you will laugh.