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Coach K Put Me On His List

This was cool.

Over the last six years and 500+ episodes, we at Zero Blog Thirty have had the great fortune to interview some very interesting folks. Medal of Honor recipients, sitting Congressmen, war heroes, celebs, athletes, and the list goes on down the line. However, there are (were) some guests that are out there that are your white whales. Coach K was one of them for me.

In our West Point community, Coach K is someone we point to and hold up as one of our accomplished graduates. Anyone who has cracked a history book knows there are many so to distinguish yourself among that group is no small feat. Even White Sox Dave knows that. Most of you know I am unapologetically proud of going to West Point so to sit down and chat with Coach K was an honor. He was extremely gracious with his time - when we were starting I mentioned him being short on time and he assured me we had plenty of time. He clearly has massive amounts of wisdom so I was grateful to get even a small snippet of that. Overall, he was just a very nice guy and easy to chat with. Have a listen and you'll see for yourself. 

Given how the interview ended I wouldn't be surprised if we are on the short list for Christmas invites this year. Thanks, Coach!

P.S. What list? Listen and find out!