
Israel Adesanya Once Busted A Nut To Cut Weight

I have heard of some crazy ways wrestlers and fighters of all kinds have cut weight. Between spitting and dipping all day to drop water weight and sitting in saunas to sweat it out. Some guys even do headstands before getting on the scale, so all of their blood is in free fall when they stand up to get on the scale. Some guys even shave off their hair when they are so close to the weight. Israel Adesanya busted a nut in order to make weight. According to him, he was obtaining from emissions before the fight, a theory that male emissions before a fight would cause men to have less aggression and release energy, and this caused enough of a buildup that it caused a major difference in weight. 100g, he claims he lost. That is the equivalent weight of a stick of butter. Hey, cutting weight is cutting weight.