
I Think It Is Time We Start Worrying About Tara Reid

Listen ... Tara Reid was the hit actress growing up in the 2000's. Every magazine cover, every awards show, plus she dated my man Carson Daly (who got absolute screwed in the late night TV scene if we're being honest because I stand behind him being the next Letterman). 

That scene at the end of Van Wilder was iconic for young males across the country. Everyone remembers that image


So for that reason I've always rooted for Tara Reid. Plus... my cousin swears she partied with her in the NYC scene in the early 2000's, so I was convinced I could eventually meet her. 

While scrolling TikTok, I see her pop up from time to time and I gotta be honest ... we should start worrying. 

These videos look like she's being held hostage. Weird behavior, forced to sing/act on command. A much different feel than months ago when she was very hip to Tik Tok trends and acting normal. 


I just hope Tara is in a good mindset and these recent TikToks are the beginning of the wheels coming off. Either way … rooting for you Tara. 

PS- Tara if you miss the club scene I know a bald guy who swears he's a big deal in every club in America. Thanks to his boss. Hope you like guys in hats!