

Well...FUCK. This one hurts a bit. I love Roquan. Always have. Always will. Doesn't even matter what the compensation is because this one is almost personal. 

Two picks for a guy who assumed the mantle of Butkus, Singletary, Urlacher, and Briggs. It felt like being a Bear meant something to Roquan and we all loved him for it. 

The writing was on the wall from the summer though. They couldn't agree to a contract. Ro thought he was a $100M man and Poles said tell your agent (Ro represents himself) to kick rocks. Getting something is better than getting nothing and a 2nd round pick is very valuable. 

The downside is, of course, now the Bears have to replace him. We said on spaces yesterday that the Bears arguably need 6 new guys in their front 7. Well now that number is 7. 

It hurts, but you have to trust this staff. They have 8 games now on tape of Roquan in their system. They made this trade with open eyes. They decided he wasn't worth $100M for whatever reason. 

I will say...the Ravens are one of those teams that scares me in making trades. I feel like they're great at the draft and are seldom on the wrong side of deals. Ro will also look PERFECT in the middle of the Ravens defense. Not talking about scheme. I am talking about Roquan in that Ravens jersey. That just seems like a match made in heaven. He'd look weird playing for like the Cardinals or Titans or something. He IS a Ravens player. No idea how that makes sense, but it does.

The rebuild is fully on now. 

2023 Draft Picks

1st round pick (CHI)

2nd round pick CHI

2nd round pick BAL

3rd round pick CHI

4th round pick CHI

4th round pick PHI

5th round pick CHI

5th round pick BAL

7th round pick CHI