
Tennessee's Basketball Team Brought Out The SEC Championship Trophy And Mocked Kentucky Fans As Their Football Team Got Whipped By The Vols Too

Imagine being a Kentucky fan who made the trip down to Knoxville to see your school play a football game it's won three times in the last 38 years, watching them get their teeth kicked in yet again and just as the thoughts of basketball season creep into your head, the Vols basketball team that beat you twice last year brings out the SEC Tournament trophy and shoves it in your face. That's a tough Saturday.

But such is the life of a Kentucky fan.

I wonder what they'd say about playing Tennessee if you could really get the truth out of them. It has to be just sheer panic beneath the facade of unearned confidence. They used to at least have basketball, but Rick Barnes has snatched that away from them, too. They truly have nothing but a feeling of impending doom every time they see the orange and white.

I can't put into words how much I love this video. Less than 24 hours after beating the piss out of Gonzaga, the Vols basketball team was still giving its all to troll Kentucky fans already in the depths of emotional hell. You love to see it.

Maybe next year, fellas!