
Mark Zuckerberg Has Officially Lost $100 BILLION Since Last September

Daily Mail — Mark Zuckerberg has seen his wealth drop a further $11 billion, meaning his net worth has now plummeted more than $100 billion in a little over a year.

Meta reported a decline in revenue for the second consecutive quarter this week. The company has struggled to come out on top after sinking $70 billion into the Metaverse, its immersive virtual world that has been mocked for containing never-ending empty rooms after failing to attract users.

The quarter’s weak results raised fresh questions about Meta’s plans to pour more money - at least $10 billion a year - into the virtual realm, as investors raise doubts about growth.

After the latest failures of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg has officially surpassed $100 billion lost in the last year, going from a personal net worth of $141 billion to $38 billion.

Now if $38 billion is the richest you ever get, you're golden. That's more money than anyone could ever spend and you're in the 99th percentile of the 99th percentile of wealth. But when you were at $141 billion a year ago and now you're at $38 billion because you refuse to give up on your weird Dwight Schrute Second life project, that's gotta be a tough pill to swallow.

Like sure, you're still richer than almost everyone who has ever walked the Earth. But I don't care who you are, there's no way you don't lose sleep over taking a $100 billion bath. Even if you still have a nice chunk of change left, losing two-thirds of your net worth in a year should make anyone cry.

The irony that this is happening to the man who created the most popular website to ever exist because he won't give up on a dogshit idea can't be lost on him, either. Zuckerberg is pissing away one of the largest fortunes ever amassed in human history because he really wants people to pretend to do real things in his fake world of Nintendo Wii avatars where he's the king. I guess you have to respect the level of dedication, but just quit while you're ahead, Mark.