
'The Only Thing That Matters Is Winning' - Julius Randle Is Shutting Up Every Idiot Who Talked Shit About Him This Offseason

In the span of about, oh, 14 months, Julius Randle became the most polarizing player on the Knicks in a long time. He was the hero to get us to the playoffs two years ago. Then he looked lost, especially late in games, against the Hawks. Last year he seemed checked out. People wanted to run him out of town when the answer was simple.

Diversify his game and get a fucking point guard. You can't expect Randle to initiate offense and be this playmaker when he's a No. 2 guy. That's why getting Jalen Brunson was so important. That's why it's showing off. Randle has changed his game so far this season and it's paying off: 

He's doing what he's always done best. Quick move and finish. No more playing with the ball. No more aimless dribbling. No more settling. It's why he was great at Kentucky. It's why he was an All-Star and All-NBA guy a couple years ago. He's wired to make a quick move and finish. He has that ability now thanks to Jalen Brunson, a guard the Knicks haven't had since the 90s


It's why the Brunson signing made so much sense. It unlocked Randle along with guys like RJ. And it's paying off because Randle looks like the Randle of old. He doesn't look like the guy some fans wanted to run out because of Obi. He's embracing being a leader and trying to fill his role. He looks like a guy you can keep building around. Not as a No. 1 guy on the team, but as a guy that can be part of a group if they land a big name at some point. 

He's right. Winning is all that matters. That's how you're judged as a player and even more so in New York. They are looking like a team that can make the playoffs. It's small steps. We're still the Knicks. We're not dumb. We'll year Bing Bong but know that we're not a title team. For now Randle is shutting up every idiot and I love every second of it.