
Two Years Ago Trey Mancini Was Completing Chemo, Now He's Headed To The World Series

You've heard the story of Trey Mancini, I've written about him a billion times. But I will never get tired of his story. Late September 2020 Trey completes chemotherapy for stage 3 colon cancer. Late October 2022 Trey Mancini is headed to the World Series. It's truly a miracle that he was able to come back and live a normal life again, let alone play this game again. Remember, they only discovered the colon cancer due to his blood work during his spring training physical, if he is a normal guy working a cube job he's not getting that physical and there is a chance it's too late for him before that cancer is found. 

Since getting to Houston he hasn't played well, hitting .176, having an OBP of .258, and slugged .364 while hitting 8 homers and driving in 22 in 51 games. Playoffs didn't go much better for him but he had a huge sac fly in Game 3 of the ALCS, also had more RBIs than Aaron Judge in the ALCS but who's counting? I am, I'm counting. 

He played on some awful teams in Baltimore, really bad. But he was never one to pout, complain, and openly said he wanted to stay and see this rebuild through. But when the Astros came calling it made perfect sense to trade Trey. O's fans were not thrilled to see the face of their franchise, a guy who did so much for the community, the team leader through and through get traded but now we get to root for him in the World Series. I've gotten to know Trey and his fiancée Sara over the years and they really are the greatest people ever. I could not be happier for them. 

You're also a lunatic if you aren't from Philly and not rooting for Trey to win a ring. After everything he's been through, after not knowing if he would even live to see 30, after the chemo, the treatments in the middle of cover, now he's 4 wins away from the ultimate goal. If that story doesn't give you goosebumps you have no pulse. How can you not pull for a guy who said he wasn't worried about playing baseball again, he was worried about dying? It continues to be such an incredible story.


So go ahead and chug it Boom Boom, you've earned this. After years in the basement in Baltimore he's right on the cusp of a ring. I also have no doubt that he somehow comes through in the World Series with a big hit. He's too good of a hitter to be in a slump like this, it's only a matter of time before he makes a big impact on a game. Bring it home Astros, get this man a ring. No one, and I mean NO ONE deserves a ring more than Trey.