
Words Can't Describe How Much Kate Did Me Dirty On Live TV This Morning

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Barstool Kate. Marine. Mother. Classy(ish) gal. All around swell broad. I love me some Kate, as do us all. This early morning Kate and myself were invited to hop on Fox29's Good Day Philly broadcast to hype up the Phillies and our wonderful Philly merch - CLICK HERE TO BUY DISCOUNTS AHOY - and it was a great time had by most. Key word: Most. Why not all, you ask? Well, here's a quick summary on how it went down: 

 "Barstool Kate! You grew up a lifelong Phillies fan and shared many memories by attending games with your Dad! Adorable!" 

"Oh, your Dad is here, too! That's amazing! And you're reliving your happiest childhood memories by taking him back to the game tonight! Incredible! What a daughter!"

"Wait…AND you served our country in Afghanistan as a Marine! You HERO! Let's tie it all together by showing a great photo of you being honored at a Phillies game and your father explaining how proud he is of you! Thank you for your service, Kate! Thank you!"

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"Thank you Ka…what's that? Oh…and here we have Smitty…who didn't serve our country…with a pic of him literally holding his dick as a child…" 


Good GOD, Kate. Was this done intentionally? For sure not. I think. But hilarious nonetheless. Well done, Kate. Well damn done, indeed. Here's the full video for you to judge for yourself. 

At least we made up for it. Kind of. RIP Ken Caminiti. 

Thanks to Fox29, Chickie's and Pete's, and the great Good Day Philly crew for having us. Now buy a shirt, dammit. Red October continues and we'll see everyone at 7:30 tonight. Go Phils. 


PS - Live with the mammal now doing icasino stuff. Hop thru.