
It Took 2 Games For The Lakers To Be In Shambles - Fan Doubles Down And Tells Russ To His Face That He 'Fucking Sucks'

Typically in this situation I'd take the side of the player. You have every right to go back at a fan who thinks they can get away with saying anything. However, HOWEVAH, the fan handled it correctly. Russ dared him to say he fucking sucks to his face. Guess what? Dude told him to his face. That's what you should do in that situations. We (fans) are batshit crazy. We live and die with every play, every game. If you stink we're going to tell you. 

Now Russ gave him a chance. He could have been a little bitch and apologized or pointed at someone else. Nope. Doubling down was the correct thing to do here. Russ went 0-for-11. He - and the Lakers - suck ass right now. 

It's honestly hilarious how poor this is all going. LeBron refuses to give up control and wanted to bring in his pals. Now he's talking about how they need shooting - as if they rejected a trade for Buddy Hield a year ago. That might help. Instead you have LeBron ruining a team because he thinks he knows how to run it. He doesn't. You have Russ completely checked out and the point of people saying the joy of his life was taken out of him by going to the Lakers. You have Anthony Davis looking like a shell of himself when he's healthy. It's just a beautiful, beautiful disaster. 

So, hey, shout out the fan. If you can scream it from the stands and the player wants you to say it to their face you better. Deal with pissing them off or the consequences. Just don't bitch out. Tell Russ, whoever, they fucking suck if you scream it.