
New ANUS is Out: Ep. 314 - The Science Fair Jar

The ANUS boys just dropped a new episode, The Science Fair Jar, and the title is very literal as Jake Malasek will be shitting in a jar for us to run a science experiment next week (dried poop will not smell/reactivate if drowned in tap water or cream soda). Kyle is still in "makeup" from a commercial shoot, we do a "This Day in History" Knews segment, Rudy is 5'12, and Mook is god. Get It!

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MOOO0000OOOoooK Thoughts

Welcome back to the mook dome brothers and congrats if you made it this far. I will keep this brief because I have a ton of editing to catch up on and I don't want to lose another job (I lost 2 in the past 3 months no big deal). 

Mook $1 Slice Count: 17 slices through 7 days in the office

I am a poor clown that is commuting to NYC on a budget and dollar slices are keeping me financially stable. I'm not sure what the ratio of flour-cheese-sauce is but these things taste like nothing. What kind of margins do you have on flour, cheese, and sauce to be profiting off $1 slices? Are the ingredients FDA approved? Also, will my stomach ever recover because I haven't shit right since I started this diet? I also don't know if this is going to make me fatter or lead to me losing an extreme amount of weight. Probably fatter. I had a regular slice of pizza ($5 slice) in the office this week and it almost made me sick. My body is starting to reject quality ingredients. I think the guy at Rony's is grooming me or lacing the pizza because it's all I think about now. I crave the $1 slice. I NEED the $1 slice. This feels like I'm relapsing on Xanax again.