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After yesterday's bear attack video, this bison attack video popped up on my timeline. I don’t know what would cause you to get anywhere as close to these wild mega fauna but this is exactly how you end up getting gored. All the stories of tourists getting gored in Yellowstone all begin like this. I mean this lady was trying to put together a video showing how to safely pass the Bison and got sent. 

Solo hiking at Caprock Canyons State Park & Trailway in Texas. I was charged and gored by a bison because I was to CLOSE to be passing them on a trailway They are beautiful creatures protected by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD) and are a part of the Texas State Bison Restoration Project where the park has restored the historic Charles Goodnight Bison herd (The Official Texas State Bison Herd) to a portion of its former range in the park. I am posting to support safety while enjoying Texas State Parks #TPWD #bisonetiquette101 #hikingsafety #llbean #chaos #rei

Bison are some of the last surviving large herbivores on earth because they are so aggressive towards any potential predators. There are crazy compilations of these Bison being aggro towards humans.

Bison and Moose survived humans migrating to the continent by being aggressive af, something that mammoths couldn't do to survive. Humans hunted almost everything to extinction (If you believe the human hunters caused megafauna extinction theory which I do). Like you had to be this badass to prevent humans from fucking with you. Gentle Mammoths didn't cut it, Aggro Moose and Bison did.