
Here Is Video Of Yankees Fans Saying "The World Series Is Back On" And "Bring On The Phillies" In The 3rd Inning Of Last Night's Game

Let me start this blog by saying that I don’t have a problem with 8/9ths of the individual people in this video but more so the Yankees fan culture in general. To talk World Series in the 3rd inning of a 1-1 series is so preposterous that part of me wonders if we need to add an IQ qualification to be on these streams and the other part of me wonders if this crew just hopped out of a Time Machine from 1923. They’re acting like the Yankees are trotting out Ruth, DiMaggio, Gehrig, and Mantle and there’s still only 16 teams in the league.

Did I hear a “Bring on the Phillies” in there? If I’m ever sitting in a gambling cave, which I probably won’t be since I’m just a part-time blogger and still lead the league in blog output, you can feel free to put a bullet in my head if I ever talk like that. 

This is why people hate Yankees fans.

PS - I blogged this from my phone while driving from Columbus to Cleveland so if there’s any typos I apologize, I’m just trying to do my part-time job.