
A New Lawsuit Has Been Filed By A Licensed Massage Therapist Against Deshaun Watson From A Session In 2020

You've got to be kidding me....

I'm not surprised though. Deshaun Watson reportedly met with 66 different women for massages over a 17 month period, and as of this morning, 24 of them filed lawsuits. Now we're at 25. I guess this is why the NFL probably should've just suspended Watson indefinitely until all of the dust settled. But at what point do you decide it's all over and safe to make a ruling? This lady waited 2 years to come forward. What if another waits 2 more years? What if another waits 2 more after that?

Now the question people are gonna ask is what is the NFL going to do? Do they reinvestigate? Do they tack on to the punishment? It's a tough situation for everyone involved that apparently has no end in sight. Deshaun Watson is supposed to be returning to play in the Browns' 12th game against the Texans. But what if another woman steps forward before that? The Browns brought this on themselves but I must say, this makes it very hard to move forward if lawsuits can continue to pop up out of nowhere.

I think we're at the point now where it's safe to say that giving up three straight 1st round picks from 2022 to 2024 to be allowed to give this man $230 million fully guaranteed may have been a bad idea.