
Greg Hardy Returns To His Old Form By Knocking An Opponent- Who Was Once Again Half His Size- Out In His Boxing Debut

Former NFL defensive end and UFC Fighter Greg Hardy took on fellow debuting boxer Mike Cook at Saturday’s Black Sheep Boxing Promotions event at the Tennis Centre in Delray Beach, Fla which is host to THE most important boxing matches in the entire world. Delray Beach has been where many stars have gotten their start. Stars like (fill in name when found) and also (fill in name when found) and who could forget (fill in name when found). Greg Hardy now, unfortunate as it may be, joins those names. Incredible. 

After getting booted from the UFC following a 4-5 record, Greg Hardy decided that he would head to the wide world of boxing looking for smaller people to bully. He found that in Mike Cook, who deserves credit for taking this fight which reminded me of when Big Van Vader had handicap matches in the WCW after coming over from Japan. Hopefully, that ends much like his UFC career with a highlight package including knockouts like this. 


But, Greg Hardy did win that fight and acted like he does every single time he beats up someone significantly smaller than he. Allegedly. Can't wait for him to meet up with a decent heavyweight if he even makes it past the just kinda bad ones. Let's hope not. 

Fuck Hardy forever.