
Prayers Up For Adriana Chechik Who Broke Her Back In Two Places Yesterday After Jumping In To The Worst Foam Pit Ever Made



Take a minute out of your day right now and say a prayer for Adriana Chechik who broke her back jumping into that foam pit at TwitchCon over the weekend. It makes absolutely no sense that you can break your back jumping into a foam pit, but this is objectively the worst foam pit ever created. Like, ever.



Have you ever jumped into a foam pit? It's fucking awesome. Even the most un-athletic schlub off the street would have a good time jumping into a foam pit because you literally cannot get hurt. I went to the Navy gymnastics gym as a kid and was doing backflips n shit into the foam pit and it was so much fun. It's like the ones you see Tony Hawk or Travis Pastrana testing out tricks into. So basically the people who put together this foam pit at TwitchCon are the biggest assholes in the entire world. Like, they just scattered a few pieces of foam and told people it was all good, and multiple people got hurt in the process. 





Dawg….how can you have 3 different people breaking things in your pit and you just let it keep going??? And not for nothing, and not to make light of the situation, but we know Adriana Chechik's body can handle a pounding. But they never should have let her do that jump. She is too important to our society. And imagine if she tried to do a flip? Imagine if ANYONE tried to do a flip and landed on their heads? Disaster. 

Hopefully Adriana heals up. I'm sending her my well wishes. I'll be thinking about her a lot today. Might even pop on some old classics just for extra good vibes. For her though, not for me. Obviously.