
The Mets Couldn't Score Off Joe Musgrove So They Had The Umpires Stop The Game And Rub His Ears To Make Sure He Wasn't Cheating

Sarah Stier. Getty Images.

Joe Musgrove has completely had his way with the New York Mets tonight. Well, to begin the 6th inning Buck actually got the umpires to go out and check if there was any funny business on Musgrove's ears, which had been shining like a motherfucker on the broadcast. 

Twitter had been a riot all game as people also noticed an uptick in Musgrove's spin rate numbers

After talking it over for a minute the umps strolled over to the mound and proceeded to caress Musgrove's ears, intimately rubbing them to see if there was substance on them aside from sweat. Incredible. The theater of postseason baseball, baby. 

EAR-GATE! That got the local Mets losers all bonered up in the gambling cave thinking they were about to crack the case for their missing offense. 


What a low moment for a pathetic franchise. There's dealing and then there's shoving to the point the other team is convinced you're cheating.

Well to the dismay of every sewer rat Met fan out there, the umps found nothing illegal of the sorts. The stoppage only further pissed off Musgrove who proceeded to angrily retire the side in order, staring down the Mets dugout in the process. 

So what explains the elevated spin rate numbers? Well, he does have some good variation with his numbers and in an elimination postseason game you're gonna be amped up. 

Cutch watching from home gave a guess as well.


Whatever it is, what a moment in a do or die postseason game. Few innings to go here, can the Padres close this out and advance? Tune in here

P.S. What happens if the umps did catch him with a foreign substance? It's a 4-0 game in the later stages…I'd pay to see how Manfred would handle that disaster.