
Antonio Brown Is Being Sued For Knowingly Selling Someone A Fake Watch For $160,000

TMZ — Antonio Brown is being dragged to court yet again ... this time, a man in Florida claims the wideout sold him a bogus Richard Mille watch for $160K, fully knowing it was a phony worth far less.

Ryan Kane filed a lawsuit against Brown over it all in Broward County earlier this week ... alleging the NFL star ripped him off on the sale back on July 27.

In the suit, obtained by TMZ Sports, Kane says Brown assured him the watch -- allegedly an RM 011 model -- was real ... and said it had a value "in excess of $400,000."

Kane says he bought it based on Brown's claims -- wiring the $160,000 to Brown's company -- but he learned a few weeks later the thing was a fake.

Kane says after he asked around, he learned that Brown had bought the fake watch -- and three others like it -- from a dealer in Dubai earlier this year for less than $500 apiece.

Now I don't believe this for one second. Antonio Brown, a man of upright character known for being an example in the community, is alleged to have done something like this? Absolutely not. What has he done in the past which would possibly lead anyone to believe such an egregious accusation?

And don't say exposing himself in a public pool, any one of a plethora of social media meltdowns, leaving the Buccaneers in eccentric fashion in the middle of a game and releasing a new rap song immediately afterwards, stealing money from clubs for shows at which he never appeared, trying to dupe the NFL with a fake covid vaccination card or attacking a delivery truck driver for no reason at all. Removing those outliers, it's clear that we're talking about a good, honest man.

I'm sure this misunderstanding will be sorted quickly. I have faith in the U.S. judicial system seeing this is nothing more than an attempt to smear Brown's sterling reputation.