
Netflix Is Sweating After Millions Of People Have Threatened To End Their Subscriptions After Recent Price Increases And The Cost Of Living Crisis (Lol As If)

The Sun - ONE in four Netflix users say they're planning to ditch the app this year as the cost of living crisis bites. According to a survey, viewers are turning tail for multiple reasons, including the rising cost of a subscription to the service. surveyed 1,000 Americans about their Netflix habits. Twenty-five per cent said that they planned to leave this year. That could mean that over 18 million US subscribers will vanish, leaving a $272 million hole in the streaming company's pockets. Around 40 per cent of people said that they will exit Netflix due to the recently announce price rise. Nearly one in five admitted that they could no longer afford Netflix as their bills have skyrocketed this year. Just under 22 per cent said they were jumping ship due to missing shows and/or movies on the platform. The remaining participants said they were going because they preferred other streaming services.

UH OHHH NETFLIX! Girlbossing a little too close to the sun! Of course they've been slowly hiking prices up over the years, and now with the latest subscription price set at 13.99 and another increase coming, people are pissed. I'm also seeing that they may make you pay for multiple TVs using your password - which is the REAL problem. In reality I'm not sure who the fuck would ever get rid of their Netflix subscription. These streaming services have us by the balls. I subscribed the Discovery Plus the other day solely because I wanted to watch that Armie Hammer documentary, and now they've got me too. The Sun is tweeting up a STORM about all the shit going on with Netflix right now:


NOT GREAT BOB! I wonder how much will really come of this - the cost of living, seemingly everywhere, IS a huge problem. Does that mean I'm going to sacrifice the one simple joy I have in life, watching hours and hours of TV inside the apartment I pay my entire net worth on every month? What's the point of living paycheck to paycheck if you can't at least enjoy yourself in the shoebox you pay for? I'd sooner sacrifice dinner. I feel Netflix feeds me more.