
Lamar Jackson Lights It Up With Another 5 Touchdown Game As The Ravens Beat New England 37-26

Whewwwwww what a roller coaster of a game that was. Mistakes by both sides, great plays by both sides, and ultimately the Ravens pushed ahead and closed the door.

Lamar Jackson was easily the hero of the game. As he tends to be. Usually this team goes as Lamar goes (last week was an aberration and I'm sticking with it). 5 tuddies?? 100 yards on the ground?? Typical stuff for the former (and soon-to-be 2x) MVP.

The defense had a lot to address after last week's disaster. I'm not all that sure that those things have been addressed. They made Devante Parker look like a god today and they consistently missed tackles. But they got takeaways when they needed them (hello Kyle Hamilton) and although they didn't get much pressure throughout the game, they got to the QB in a few key spots and got him down.

On the flip side, the offense did a better job of closing out the game too. They were far from the ones to blame for the loss last week, but they did have opportunities to slam the door shut and they didn't quite do that. This week they did. That was a big boy touchdown drive late in the 4th to stake the Ravens to a 2-score lead. Great to see QB power work again. Looked like Lamar's Seattle TD all over again.

I'll have more thoughts tomorrow and on Exit 52's Instant Analysis. What a win. Great to be 2-1 with an opportunity to get a big one next week at home against Buffalo.