
Baker Mayfield Shuts All Of You Up And Beats The Saints

Look at this fucking play this was all called at the line and Baker put him in the best spot to score a touchdown. Looks at this guy playing a tough division rival in the Saints and he takes over the game with no turnovers and did what he had to do to win the game.

The Panthers are in second place after Week 3 and you can tell Baker is a game manager right now. He isn't turning the ball over at all, which people always say he always does, I really think people just need to get off his back. Face the facts people. Baker Mayfield is a good quarterback. 

I am holding a ticket +1100 for the Panthers to win the division. Just wait until they get all the weapons working together, their defense is elite. Baker wakes up dangerous every morning and you guys live your sad lives while he keeps winning. He was the Heisman and the #1 pick. The Panthers got a good one.