
Nathaniel Hackett Now Has An Assistant Coach Hired Specifically To Protect Him From Being A Dumbass

AAron Ontiveroz/MediaNews Group/The Denver Post via Getty Images. Getty Images.

I tell you what, if the 2022 Denver Broncos are nothing else, they are entertaining in a bizarro sort of way. Their new head coach Nathaniel Hackett decided he was so bad at game management only eight full quarters into his tenure that he's hiring an assistant named Jerry Rosburg to make sure he doesn't keep firing an RPG at his own foot on Sundays.

Not a bad time to bring in a crisis interventionist consultant, even if it's someone who hasn't coached in the NFL since retiring after an 11-year tenure as Baltimore's special teams coordinator in 2018. Let's hope Rosburg, even with a defensive/special teams background, is able to help Hackett with basic shit like getting a play call in on time, down-and-distance situational football and, again, generally not being an idiot.

Hackett seems like a pretty humorous guy and I think he'd get a kick out of this headline. While on one hand you have to commend him for so quickly diagnosing a major personal shortcoming, it's almost just as much of a red flag that he's waving the white flag this early on an area so critical to a head coach's job description.

Russell Wilson and Nathaniel Hackett. What a pair. The quarterback who can't actually behave like a real person and the coach who's already hiring a fall guy he can blame if his in-game decisions continue to be a disaster.

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