
Before Getting Into Porn Lana Rhoades Didn't Realize She Would "actually have to have sex with people" And She Now Thinks Porn Should Be Illegal


The lady pictured above is Lana Rhoades. She is best known for her work in several pornographic films. Some consider her the most innovative porn star of the last decade. Have you guys seen the rubber duckie video? If you have to know what, don't worry about it. 

Anyway, Lana did porn for 9 months and then left the industry. It's comparable to Barry Sanders leaving the Lions in his prime. You never want to see the greats hang them up early. Especially when the greats can do things on camera that would make you grandma roll over in the grave. Not my grandma, she could suck a golfball through a garden hose, but your grandma would be shook to her core.

But now since leaving the industry, Lana has been outspoken against it. She hates porn! But it seems like she was a little confused before she got into the biz...a lot confused actually.


LadBible - Speaking about her experience, Rhoades said that she didn't know what she was getting herself in for when she started porn.

"I also had only slept with one person at this point. So, I was very sexually inexperienced.

"That's why and for whatever reason I never comprehended like to do porn you actually have to have sex with people.


Oh, Lana. You sweet, sweet girl. She didn't realize porn meant you actually had to have sex with people. Damn, what an unfortunate mix-up. I could see how that could happen. She probably thought it was similar to signing up to be a Barstool blogger but once you sign on the dotted line you actually don't have to do anything. "I could do that!" she thought. But then they made her do sex and she was like "what the fuck!". Luckily for us though, she gave it 110%. Nobody put more effort into their job than Lana did in that 9 months. Speaking of the rubber duckie video, have you guys seen the cupcake video? Nevermind. Don't worry about it.

All in all, congrats to Lana on her successful career. But don't ruin it for the rest of us!


Since finishing her career in adult films, Rhoades has gone on to have further success making clothes and lingerie.

However, her opinion on the porn industry remains pretty fixed: "Going back to porn, I just I don't think that it's good for anyone they should make it illegal."


Illegal?! In this economy?! Heavens no. Calm down Lana. In these trying times, with inflation and what have you, we need porn more than ever. We thank you for your service.