
DRAMA! Jerry Jones Is Open To A QB Competition Between Dak And Cooper Rush


HELL YES! Jerry Jones is goated at manufacturing drama on his own team. "So Jerry, Dak will obviously still be the starter when he's back?" NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND! Not if Cooper Rush has anything to say about it.

Now obviously, Jerry's point is he'd be over the moon if Cooper played so well it'd be tough to take him out. But how about some god damn backing for the guy you just gave extended for four years and $160 million...with $126 million in 2021. Lol. C'mon Jerry! You gotta say that's your guy! You gotta say Dak is your quarterback! But nope. He's like Gaz, just stirring the pot, making it awkward for everyone. 

I hope Jerry never dies. He's 79 years old right now and I hope he lives for another 79. He simply cannot get out of his own way and I love him for it.