
The Celtics Are Prepared To Suspend Ime Udoka For The ENTIRE Season For Dipping His Pen In Company Ink

Adam Glanzman. Getty Images.

Uhhh what the hell is happening?????

An entire YEAR? For some consensual sex? We first got word that this could be possible late last night, and now with Woj doubling down on it again this morning, I can't imagine once the Celts finally do speak we learn it's like 10 games. They're really about to suspend their head coach for the entire season a week before training camp. This doesn't even feel like real life. This is why the details are important because on the surface this doesn't exactly add up. There has to be more to this story because how does a franchise do this to themselves based on the information that we do know?

This isn't a league issue. It's a Celts issue. Ime didn't break league rules, he apparently broke team rules. I can't imagine Wyc/Brad/etc are willing to compromise a legit championship contending season all for some consensual sex. That's bananas. If you're going to go down that route, why not just fire the guy? What good does wasting a year just to bring him back the next season do? I'm now worried about player buy in. Ime was their guy, they picked him. They bought into playing for him. The title window in the NBA can be tricky, you never know how long it can last. Are they going to be OK with this? What do Tatum and Brown think? Potentially fucking up a season like this feels crazy based on what we know now. 

That's kind of what makes this a tricky situation for all of us on the outside. We have no idea what's going on and we're trying to piece it together based on vague Woj tweets. I don't give a shit who you are fucking. That's not my business. What I do care about is how your fucking is now impacting my favorite basketball team.

Ime had this team two wins away from an NBA title in his first year. By pretty much all accounts, he was a perfect hire to replace Brad. Now who knows if he even coaches for the team again. That is so insane I can't believe it's a real sentence that I had to type. Until we learn the details (if we ever do) I wonder how much of this decision is impacted by public perception and PR bullshit. At the same time, this isn't exactly a new situation within the NBA

If you remember, the Wolves fired Gersson Rosas (their GM) for a similar thing back in 2021 about a week before camp opened. 

On some level, even factoring in what it might mean for their season, I can understand the Celts taking the extreme approach here. If Ime knew the rules and still broke them, you have to handle that. Your organization's reputation is sort of on the line here and that's why the details matter. There's a chance when it all comes out this punishment doesn't seem so crazy. 

The whole thing is nuts. Never in a million years did I ever think this is what we would be dealing with right before camp opens. Everything that could go wrong seemingly has, which is not exactly what you're looking for. When do we all wake up from this dream? I'm not having as much fun anymore.
