
This Video Of A Young Brad Stevens Confirms He Was Put On This Earth To Lead The Boston Celtics

Boston Globe. Getty Images.

OK, so everyone agrees here that Brad has been 42 years old for the past 20+ years right? I know that video is from 1999. I know Brad is in his young 20s, but that's the same guy we see in 2022. Not just with how he looks, but also how he sounds and the way he talks. I knew he was a basketball savant, but he actually might be some sort of ageless alien? I couldn't get past it as I watched that video. Whatever his secret is, he could probably sell it for billions.

I also couldn't help but notice that nifty behind the back pass. Look at you Brad! That's some spice, some flair! Was that Brad Stevens or White Chocolate? It's hard to say really

(pause for a mandatory White Chocolate passing highlight video because it's Saturday)

OK back to Brad. 

Let me ask you something. From the second Brad was hired to be the coach to the second he moved upstairs and became the boss, has there ever been a moment that you've doubted he was the right leader for this team? It's pretty obvious this is in his blood and what he was born to do. Just listen to how he was talking 20 years ago! Ainge saw it way back in 2012 when he first brought him in and I'd say things have gone pretty damn well ever since. 

While the coaching success was impressive considering the history of college coaches that come over to the NBA usually never work out, it's hard to argue what Brad has done has the boss isn't on another level. He was finally given the keys to build the roster he wants and look what happened. We're watching maybe the best Celtics roster since the Big 3 era. Brad's basketball vision of not only the players he wants but how he wants the team to play (hiring Ime was huge) has been a home run. What's his biggest miss? Maybe Dennis Schroder? Good news there is he immediately flipped him at the deadline. Even his misses somehow ending up becoming hits. It's incredible. He was able to turn roster fodder into Malcolm Brogdon. He turned an injured Kemba into a very much not washed up Al Horford. He loves and trusts Marcus Smart and gave him another extension. He brought in another perfect fit in Derrick White. Talk about being on a heater, my lord.

In addition to all this, it was interested to read what Wyc has to say about Brad and the difference between him and Ainge when it comes to running this team


I read this as Brad is willing to hear ideas from others and everything he does or wants to do has data behind why it's a good idea. With Ainge it was clearly he was a little stubborn in his ways and didn't really give a shit what anyone else thought. That worked for a time obviously, but I think we can all agree whatever Brad is doing instead is clearly working. To me, this all goes back to the video from 1999 about being a leader.

For my money, we're about to enter the toughest stretch of Brad's career. Once you become a true "contender", everything gets magnified. Making sure you build a roster with the right mix is now even more important. Everything he does now needs to be about actually winning the title, not just getting over the ECF hump. Their window is now, and with that comes a shit ton of pressure on everyone from Ime to the players and all the way back up to Brad. 

But if you were to ask me if I would prefer anyone else to lead us all into battle, my answer would be absolutely not. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that this is what Brad was meant to do.