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King Charles Has Been In Charge For Less Than A Week And He's Already Acting Like A Whiny Little Bitch

Listen, I understand that Charles is "the king" and I understand that he's spent his entire life with a literal silver spoon in his mouth. The man is an elitist in every sense of the word, as he should be, but it still bugs the shit out of me when I see him acting like a goddamn baby over nothing. Should his team have made sure THE KING OF ENGLAND had a pen that didn't leak? Absolutely. But how about some decorum, Charles? Your mother spent the better part of 100 years showing zero emotion, meanwhile you're one week in grimacing at everyone in sight. He did it the other day too...




The whole thing makes me hate him more than I should. Which is odd because I was surprisingly okay with everything he did before this (destroying his family, cheating on his wife, abandoning his son, saying he wishes he was a tampon so he could live in Camilla's vagina, etc). I don't know. There's just something about the way he treats his help that rubs me the wrong way. Anyway that's it for this one. Hav a lovely day.