
Jaylen Brown Sure Looks Like He's Ready To Completely Destroy The Rest Of The NBA

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Dear God…..

Quick, let's check in on Brad Stevens as he watches that video


Poor Hamidou Diallo. He's a nice young player that had some moments with the Pistons last season, but let's be honest here for a second. Jaylen just ruined that man's life. Jordan Clarkson wanted some of it as well and as you saw, things didn't go so well for him either. You want to know why myself and fellow Celtics fans everywhere didn't want to trade Jaylen Brown for Kevin Durant? You're seeing it not just in what he did last season, but also in that video. This man hasn't even entered his prime yet! 

Every offseason we know that Jaylen will come back with a new element to his game that makes him even more of a monster. It's basically death, taxes, and Jaylen Brown getting better in the offseason as the only guarantees in life. We saw him make the jump to be an All Star caliber player, well now comes the next jump to All NBA. That's what I'm seeing while watching this video while mainlining Celts Kool Aid directly into my arm. We all know he needed to work on his handles, and I think we can check that box. Lookin' pretty good to me. But while I watched that video one thing wouldn't leave my brain…..

Was that a James Harden-esq change of pace into a pull up three? Is that what I just watched? Could that be the potential addition this offseason? If so, sign me the fuck up immediately. Jaylen Brown already has a pretty deep offensive bag that he's worked to develop over the years, but the one thing he didn't really have was that herky-jerky change of pace that makes someone like James Harden so fucking hard to guard. The dribble through the legs/behind the back and right into your jumper is one of Harden's most unstoppable moves

and now you're telling me that Jaylen Brown is going to add a version of this to his offensive arsenal and you expect me to be calm about it? 

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No chance. In fact, there's a less than zero percent chance I remain calm about this. Part of that is we're getting closer and closer to the start of training camp, but the other part is knowing that we're most likely getting another jump year from Jaylen Brown which in my humble opinion would be pretty important. Considering this is where we're starting from


that feels like an All NBA caliber season is on deck. Remember, if Jaylen makes an All NBA team in either of his final two years of his current deal, he's going to be eligible for a massive $200M+ extension that the Celts will gladly pay. Why wouldn't you?  

This offseason we've been gifted with a bunch of great Jaylen propaganda, mostly being his insane under water workouts that is some of the craziest shit I've ever seen

but the video at the top of this blog was the first time we really got an extended look at his basketball improvement. I love his willingness to step into and take pull up threes, that's a skill that every elite scorer in the league has. Once Tatum became comfortable with it, it was curtains. Jaylen started to unleash it at times last year and had some success, but now it looks as natural as ever. He could be open, there could be a dude right in his grill, it's almost as if he doesn't even see the guy. He takes that shot with ultimate confidence and as we saw, doesn't even touch the rim. 


Given that this is a pretty massive season as the Celts attempt to avenge their disappointing Finals showing, having an even better version of Jaylen Brown to unleash on the league feels like a pretty good option. I don't know about anyone else, but I need it to be October 18th immediately. 

Who cares about football, who cares about the MLB playoffs, just get me to Opening Night already so I can have this shit back in my life on a nightly basis.