
The Internet Is Going Nuts Over This French PoIice Officer

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Over the weekend in France, police arrested and jailed a dentist, an individual named Lionel Guedj for basically telling patients from lower class areas they needed pricy dental work for no reason other than to make money and bilk social security in France. He would inspect a patients mouth telling them needed a filling or root canal and then do all sorts of unnecessary things. The problem was they didn't. 

According to the Guardian: He sought to make maximum profits by forcing unsuspecting patients to undergo unnecessary procedures, showing “total disdain” for their health and then reaping payments from social security. 

Cleary a scumbag who threw away his practice and his million dollar fortune. However the big story coming out of this arrest and detaining was the perp walk, where a female police officer stole the show. The internet has been abuzz all morning…

Then the video of the perp walk came out: 

Internet admirers were quick to the draw to point out the beautiful and curvaceous cop. Many memes including ones referencing "Mrs Officer" by Lil Wayne graced the comments plus many others including some of my favorites 


We may all be feeling the same as Grandpa… as a fan of females thicker than a bowl out of oatmeal, I can't say I wasn't more interested than normal in a French criminals perp walk